ICAR2017 Review

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Published on: June 28, 2017

Last week the excellent International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) took place in St Louis. This global meeting moves between North America, Europe and Asia on a rolling three year cycle. This years attendance was less than in recent years but for that reason it provided a great opportunity for attendees to get to grips with the excellent science in the presentations and the poster sessions without being overwhelmed by the amount of information.

The full abstract book can be downloaded here.

The meeting included an excellent amount of interaction on social media, which included plenty of dedicated tweeters! Bethany Huot has done a great job of putting the activity from the twitterverse into these daily Storify articles. Please take a look at them.

Day 1: So it begins

Day 2: ROAR on!

Day 3: The Weed Stampede.

Day 4: Rocking and Rolling.

Day 5: Finding our Quiescent Centre.

During the after-conference come-down and return to ‘normal’ life it can be difficult to keep track of what you heard and why it was important. Therefore we have put together a file that lists the speaker affiliation and the research that they discussed during their talks. Sorry this is limited to the talks that GARNet attended…

Down the review here (excel file): ICAR17_Review

The ICAR2018 meeting will be in Turku, Finland. See you there!


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