Yes, it’s nearly Christmas and before you know it, we’ll be into the new year. Here’s some dates for your diary so you can at least start 2013 on top of things.
Major Funding deadlines
ERA-CAPS First Joint Call: 15 Febuary
BBSRC: 9 January; 21-22 May; June (TBC).
EPSRC: Outline proposal batch meetings 11 February; 15 April; 16 June.
FP7 KBBE theme: 5 Febuary
Marie Curie Actions: Researchers’ Night, Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways, International Research Staff Exchange Scheme, all in January; Career Integration Grants, 18 September.
ERC Consolidator Grants: 21 February
NERC Standard Research and New Investigator Grants: 1 July, 1 December. NERC Doctoral Training Partnerships: 1 May
Conferences and workshops
UK PlantSci 2013: 16–17 April, Dundee, Scotland
GARNet Synthetic Biology workshop: 21-22 May, Nottingham, England
31st New Phytologist Symposium (Orchid symbioses: models for evolutionary ecology): 14-16 May, Calabria, Italy.
International Symposium on Plant Photobiology: 3-6 June, Edinburgh, Scotland.
ICAR 2013: 24 – 28 June, Sydney, Australia
SEB Annual Main Meeting 2013: 3–6 July, Valencia, Spain
ASPB Plant Biology 2013: 20–24 July, Providence RI, USA
7th EPSO Conference: 1–4 September, Peloponnese, Greece
Plant Genome Evolution: 8-10 September, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
32nd New Phytologist Symposium (Plant interactions with other organisms): 20-23 November, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Other note-worthy links
Royal Society Kohn Award: Nominations open until 8 February. The winner of the award will receive a £2500 gift and a grant of £7500 for science communication activities.
The plant scientist’s handbook: The art of growing plants for experimental purposes: a practical guide for the plant biologist. Poorter et al. (2012) Functional Plant Biology 39:821-838 (open access)
Money shouldn’t be a barrier to open access publishing – see Open Science for a guide to funding for OA publication.
What do you need to do more effective outreach? Tell Mimi and Harriet from UKPSF and Science and Plants for Schools by filling out this survey. It will take less than 10 minutes.
Remember the systems biology paper I highlighted a few weeks ago? Some of the authors have published another paper and are in this video, talking about their research.