#UKPlantSciPresents Webinars

#UKPlantSciPresents will return in Autumn 2021.
We are recruiting speakers so please contact Geraint Parry if you want to give a talk.
Registration is free and webinars will be made freely available soon after the event. Although closed captioning/subtitles are not available for live webinars, after the event a transcription can be made available if requested. Please contact Geraint Parry about this.
The #UKPlantSciPresents webinar series runs through GoToWebinar software, which allows simple presentation with the facility for attendees to ask questions in a chat box. A selection of these questions will be moderated by the webinar chairperson.
Thanks to GARNet, the Monogram Small Grains Network, Bristol Centre for Agricultural Innovation, NovogeneUK, Arabidopsis Events UK for supporting this series.
Recordings of Past Webinars
April 20th: Ari Sadanandom (University of Durham)
April 6th: Alice Baille (University of Bristol)
April 6th: Ansul Lokdarshi (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
March 23rd: Laura Dixon (University of Leeds): Trying to understand temperature regulated flowering responses in bread wheat
March 23rd: Jill Harrison (University of Bristol): The genetic basis of body plan evolution in plants
March 9th: Joelle Sasse Schläpfer (University of Zurich): How do plants shape their microbiome?
March 9th: Daniel Gibbs (University of Birmingham); The N-degron connects the PRC2 pathway to environmental sensing in plants
February 23rd: Götz Hensel (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) CRISPR/Cas-mediated mutagenesis of plant traits.
February 9th: Ian Mackay (Scottish Rural College) Overcoming barriers to the registration of new varieties: Why the current system is not fit for purpose.
February 9th: Alexey Shapiguzov (University of Helsinki): How does nuclear poly(ADP-ribose) reader RCD1 control the functions of chloroplasts and mitochondria?
January 26th 2021: Plant Science-focuseed Journal Special.
Mary Williams: The Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Plant Direct
Mike Page: Journal of Experimental Botany
Chris Surridge: Nature Plants
Sarah Lennon: New Phytologist Foundation
Nathan Masters: Frontiers in Plant Science
December 8th 2020: Liam Elliott, University of Oxford: Edge-directed trafficking of receptors for control of cell geometry in Arabidopsis
December 8th 2020: Beatriz Lagunas, University of Warwick: Partnering in time and space: a tale of legume nodulation
Tuesday November 24th: Michael Scott and Funmi Ladejobi, UCL: MAGICal mystery tour: the power of multi-parent crop populations.
Tuesday November 24th: Lindsey Compton, University of Birmingham: Features of an Evolved Autotetraploid Meiosis in Potato
November 10th 2020; Dana Macgregor, Rothamsted Research: Bringing agricultural weeds into the molecular lab
November 10th 2020: Steven Penfield, John Innes Centre: Climate Smart Crops
October 27th 2020: Anjil Srivastava, University of Durham: SUMO proteases: Functional diversity and its potential in crop improvement
October 27th 2020: Chin Jian Yang and Rajiv Sharma, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC): New ways into plant breeding using eigen/env-GWAS and origin specific genomic selection
October 13th 2020: Alison Bentley, NIAB: Journeys in Wheat Genetics
October 13th 2020: Martin Balcerowicz, SLCU: An RNA thermoswitch controls temperature-dependent daytime growth in Arabidopsis
September 29th 2020: Marcel Bach-Pages, University of Oxford: Proteome-wide Profiling of RNA-Binding Protein Responses to flg22 Reveals Novel Components of Plant Immunity
September 29th 2020: Isabelle Colas, James Hutton Institute: Control of Meiosis in Barley.
September 15th 2020: Sebastian Eves-van den Akker (University of Cambridge): Sex, organs and food security: the curious case of plant-parastic interactions.
September 15th 2020: Charlotte Pain (Oxford Brookes): Shaping the Plant ER
July 14th 2020– Sarah Courbier: Far-red light enhances tomato susceptibility towards Botrytis cinerea in a jasmonate- and sugar-dependent manner
July 14th 2020- Jose Gutierrez-Marcos: Phenotypic variation in clonal plants is underpin by cellular memory
June 30th 2020: Jen Sloan: Climate-ready rice: a photosynthetic approach
June 30th 2020: Marc Knight: Decoding calcium signalling in plants
June 16th 2020: Philippa Borrill: Genomics in a giant: understanding gene expression in polyploid wheat
June 16th 2020: Matt Jones: Shades of Green: Untying the Knots of Green Photoperception
June 2nd 2020: Joe McKenna: Connecting the dots: Sub-diffraction limited imaging of plasma-membrane nanodomains
June 2nd 2020: Carmen Escudero-Martinez: Mapping Barley genes shaping the rhizosphere bacterial microbiota.
May 19th: Emily Breeze: Targeting the Arms Factory: The emerging role of the endoplasmic reticulum in plant immunity
May 5th- Jonathan Jones- Plant immunity: the zigzagzig turns full circle
May 5th- Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso: An interdisciplinary study of plasmodesmata influence on cell-to-cell signalling and plant development