A summer of conferences
We’re gearing up to go to a few major conferences before our own in September, so watch out for Ruth, Lisa, Jim or me at EPSO, SEB, ASPB, SynBio SEED and ICAR.
There are loads of UK meetings for plant scientists coming up: Early career events New Phytologist Next Generation Scientists, SCI Young Researchers in Agrisciences and Frontiers in Plant Research; Breeding Plants to Cope with Future Climate Change; the CPIB Summer School in Mathematical Modelling; and the HvCP workshops.
If you’re attending these or any other event this summer and want to try your hand at writing a meeting report or blog post, please get in touch – we’re always looking for guest bloggers!
GARNet 2014: The Ongoing Green Revolution
For us, the biggest event of the summer is the finale – GARNet 2014 in September. Our conference is the biggest Arabidopsis event in Europe this year and we have a fantastic line-up, so it’s an unmissable opportunity to catch up with collaborators and colleagues past, present and future. We’re taking early bird registrations and abstract submissions for short talks and posters until 30 June. If you’re a post-doc or PhD student, you could win a bursary to cover the cost of your trip! For more information, go to: http://garnet2014.org/
BIS Capital Consultation
Before all the inspiring talks and networking, we’re working on a response to this BIS consultation about capital investment until 2020. Capital investment in science infrastructure will total over £5 billion between 2015 and 2020, and BIS are asking the whole STEM community for input on how this investment will be managed. GARNet is putting together a response and if you have anything to input, please do email me. If you want to know more, the 110 page consultation document is here. For a bitesize overview, I suggest you take a look at these two excellent Guardian Science Blogs by Stephen Curry and Claire Viney. Also, the Guardian is hosting a live online Q&A session with a panel, to include David Willetts, on Monday lunchtime.
GARNish … coming next week
It can’t really be summer at GARNet without the June edition of GARNish – don’t worry, it will be with you next week!