GARNet and CGR Liverpool present Software Carpentry

Categories: GARNet, Workshops
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Published on: September 9, 2014

SWC Liverpool v1


On 17th-18th November 2014, GARNet and the University of Liverpool’s Centre for Genomic Research are teaming up with Software Carpentry in Liverpool for the second Software Carpentry for Plant Scientists bootcamp.

Software Carpentry teaches principles of good programming applicable to any coding language or application, whether sequencing data, phenotypic trait analysis or biochemical assays. Tutorials will start from first principles and cover using Command Line, Python programming including data manipulation with Python, and version control using Git and GitHub. Teaching will be a combination of live coding guided by the trainer and independent practical exercises.

Although the content is suitable for complete beginners, researchers with some experience of programming will also benefit from being taught good practice like version control and test-driven development. These practices will make your programs more sustainable, vastly reducing replication in your code over time, and make them easier to share with team members, collaborators and even in publications.

The programme and tutorials from the first Software Carpentry for Plant Scientists bootcamp is here. This information is to give potential delegates an idea of what the Liverpool event will be like – please be aware that the upcoming bootcamp event will be run by different trainers and therefore will not be exactly the same as the previous one.

To apply for a place on the bootcamp, email between 9th and 23rd September 2014. In your email, please include:

  • Your name
  • Whether you are a student, post-doc, PI or hold another position
  • A brief description of your research interests (less than 50 words)
  • Why you would like to attend the bootcamp (less than 50 words)

Successful applicants will then be invited to register for the workshop from 29th September.

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