Plant responses to environmental stimuli: differences, similarities and crosstalk

4th – 6th September, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

From Maria Papanatsiou (University of Glasgow)

This conference offers a holistic view on how plants respond to the environment and provides delegates with an opportunity to appreciate the wider context of their research. Marking the 40th anniversary of Plant, Cell & Environment the symposium will be a celebration of plant physiology. We offer delegates an impressive line-up of speakers and tutors who will share with you their research and expertise at the forefront of modern plant physiology.

The aim is not only to introduce a new generation of plant scientists to the breadth and importance of modern plant physiology but also to motivate scientists with a more molecular focus to embrace plant physiological techniques and embed their findings into a physiological context.

Several workshops will allow participants to explore essential physiological techniques (gas exchange measurements) as well as software for phenotyping (root system architecture) and modelling (guard cell models). Our tutors are experts in their fields and will be able to discuss your specific needs.

The training aspect of this symposium is further enhanced by science writing workshops. These small-group sessions led by experienced editors will allow the participants to discuss how to best organise and present their research in a paper and improve writing skills.

To foster communications the delegate number will be limited to 100. Early registration is therefore recommended.


Anna Amtmann & Mike Blatt, Glasgow, UK

Supported by Wiley.

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