Were you at our Tools and Technologies to Advance Plant Research event at Liverpool last year? Well if you were, you can now hear more from three of the speakers in a mini-series of reviews in Plant Methods. And if you weren’t and you’re wondering if next generation sequencing can be applied to your plant research, here’s your chance to find out.
First, Tom Hardcastle wrote a review on using NGS sequence the methylome – it was published in June this year (Plant Methods 9:16). He gives an introduction to the role of cytosine methylation in the regulation of gene expression, and then takes readers through the stages of mapping genome methylation.
Arther Korte’s review on genome wide association studies (GWAS) was published in July (Plant Methods 9:29). He and Ashley Farlow, who are both working on the 1001 Genomes Project, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of GWAS and how to build a good project.
Most recently, a review on NGS for complex crop genomes by Klaus Mayer and colleagues was published (Plant Methods 9:35). They overview various approaches to managing extremely large, complex genomes like the recently sequenced wheat genome. They focus specifically on the Genome Zipper, which Mayer presented at the workshop.
Other workshop talks covered genome-wide association studies, mutant identification, genome mapping, transcriptomics using both ‘traditional’ RNA-seq and new method of direct RNA sequencing, and chromatin mapping. If you want to find out more about using NGS for these applications (it’s not just about nucleotide sequencing any more!), a good place to start is the Tools and Technologies to Advance Plant Research abstract book and the Storify of the workshop, which contains links to a lot more papers and reviews. I also wrote a report for the workshop sponsor, the Genetics Society, which you can read in their July Newsletter (page 28).
Image credit: Envel Kerdaffrec