GARNet Gene Editing Workshop!

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Published on: February 12, 2018

GARNet with support from the Bristol Centre for Agricultural Innovation and New Phytologist are organising a Gene Editing Workshop that will take place at the University of Bristol on March 26th-27th 2018.

This workshop is designed to encourage interactions and discussion about the use of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in plant systems.

We are encouraging ECRs to attend the meeting and are providing nine opportunities for talks by people who have submitted abstracts. We are also hosting extended poster sessions.

The workshop has three main plenary sessions that will look at the technical aspects of using GE in different plant species. In addition we are hosting a session with a extended opportunity for debate regarding the policy decisions that surround use of this technology.

The full workshop schedule is here:

Monday 26th March
Opening Plenary: Stefan Jansson (Umea): Cooking (and eating) the first gene-edited meal!

Session I: Gene Editing in Dicots
Session II: Gene Editing in Monocots

Keynote Plenary: Ben Davies: Transgenic Core Head, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford.

Tuesday 27th March

Session III: Gene Editing and Global Regulatory Landscape
Session IV: Novel uses of gene editing technologies

Registration for this workshop is now open and only costs £65 for ECRs.

As we are keeping the meeting small there is only space for 100 delegates!
Please register early to avoid disappointment.

We have arranged options for budget hotel accommodation for delegates in Bristol so please take advantage of these offers here:

The abstract submission deadline to be considered for talks and posters is March 1st.

Please send your abstracts to the GARNet coordinator Geraint Parry at

Thanks to the High Value Chemical from Plants network for providing additional support.

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