Funding round-up: Deadlines in Autumn 2012

Categories: funding, UKPSF
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: September 4, 2012

A number of grant deadlines are coming up this autumn, from big fellowship grants to funding for development of methodology or for outreach. Many of them are bi-annual, so if you are interested you may want to prepare for a Spring 2013 application instead.

For more funding opportunities, other news and an events calendar, go to the UK Plant Sci website.

Nitrogen Ideas lab: deadline 7 September. You only have 3 days to apply for this but the application form is very short, and $12M funding from the BBSRC and NSF is available for projects that come out of the ideas lab, which will be held in Crewe (UK) from 3-7 December.

Fellowships for established researchers

scheme: Deadline 5 October. This is funded by the Royal Society, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Natural Environment Research Council, Rolls-Royce plc and Astra Zeneca as well as the BBSRC. It is for the transfer of knowledge between industry and academia. Fellowships can run for 2 years full time, or 4 years part time, during which the fellow will establish personal and corporate links between the 2 sectors of work.

The Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorships: Deadline 11 October. This programme may last three to ten months and funding is dependent on requirement. This is to enable overseas academics with excellent research and teaching skills to spend time at a UK University for the enrichment of the host university, and for the visiting academic.

Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships: Deadline 8 November. Up to £45 000 for a fellowship of between 3 and 24 months is available for experienced researchers of any discipline. Researchers who have been prevented from doing original research by routine duties should apply for this fellowship.

BBSRC Partnering Awards: Deadline 14 November. Funding to set up partnership links between the UK and one of Japan, China, Indis, the USA, or Brazil. Both single partnerships and consortia are eligible, and partnerships may last up to 4 years.

Doctoral programme

BBSRC BRIC doctoral programme: Deadline 11 October. This four year scholarship is to support new PhD students with interest in the bioprocessing industry. Students will receive £5000 per annum for training and development.

Grants for researchers of any level

Biochemical Society Eric Reid Fund for Methodology: Deadline 1 November. Members of the Biochemical Society may apply for up to £1800 for developing or carrying out a new method, testing the feasibility of a new idea, and other methodology-led projects.

BBSRC International Workshops: Deadline 14 November. Current BBSRC grant holders or researchers at BBSRC funded institutions can apply for approximately £10k of funding for a workshop to involve another country.

Technology Strategy Board Synthetic Biology competition: Briefing event 15 October; Deadline for registration 14 November; deadline for submission 21 November. Up to £6.5M will be invested. Eligible projects will demonstrate the feasibility of a new synthetic biology approach in the creation of novel or improved products or processes. Projects must be collaborative and business-led. The BBSRC is involved in this initiative, and more information can be found in this BBSRC leaflet.

Agricultural Economics Society Prize Essay Competition: Deadline 30 November. £1000 will be awarded to the best essay on any aspect of agricultural economics. Entrants must be within six years of graduation, or under 30 for non-graduates.

Royal Society Brian Mercer Feasibility Award: Rolling bias. Initial support of up to £30 000 is provided to the winner of the grant, to test the technical and economic feasibility of commercializing an aspect of their scientific research.

Outreach grant

British Ecological Society Outreach grants: Deadline 17 September. Up to £2000 is available to support projects that promote ecology to the public. If mid-September is too close, the next deadline is in March 2013.

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  1. […] Details of the following grants can be found my previous funding round-up: […]

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