GARNet-Presents Webinar Series

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Published on: April 27, 2020

GARNet conducted a short survey to assess community-interest in an UK-focused webinar series that will highlights the excellence in UK plant science. Approximately 100 respondants were supportive of the idea so we are kicking off the GARNet-Presents Webinar series on May 5th 2020.

This series owes a huge debt of thanks to the widely popular Plantae Presents series that has shown that there is a community-need for events of this type.

We will run this series through the GoToWebinar software, which allows simple presentation with the ability for virtual attendees to ask questions in a chat box. These questions will be moderated by the webinar chairperson and some will be asked to the speakers. Each week two speakers will present their research over 30minute sessions.

Please visit the GARNet-Presents home page. Webinars will be freely available on the home page soon after the event. Although closed captioning/subtitles are not available for live webinars after the event a transcription will be available with the recording.

The inaugural event on Tuesday May 5th 2020 at 3pm BST features Professor Jonathan Jones from the Sainsbury Lab, Norwich and Dr Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso from the University of Leeds.

Sign up here ->

The second event on Tuesday May 19th 2020 at 3pm BST features Dr Daniel Gibbs from the University of Birmingham and Dr Emily Breeze from the University of Warwick

Sign up here ->

We are looking for Webinar speakers later in the GARNet-Presents series. These will take place on Tuesday 3pm BST every two weeks until July 14th 2020 and then start up again on September 1st 2020.

These are 20minute talks with 5-10 minutes for questions. We run GARNet-Presents through GoToWebinar and will require a decent Wifi connection and a webcam. You’d share your screen for everyone to view as you talk. If you’d be willing to then I’d also like to share the slides you will present with all attendees. Of course this would be minus anything unpublished that you don’t want to share.

If you are interested in presented then please email Geraint Parry with a statement of interest and a talk title. We are hoping to recruit plant scientists of any career stage or research interest.

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